Hillside Covenant Church
House Transportation Committee
The Metcalf Data Breach
Considered the worst attack on US Infrastructure in US History on US soil. That's why this former PG&E Contractor has tried to get answers from Hillside Covenant Church who for three years has dogged my complaints.more

The Metcalf Incident
One of the most dangerous attacks on US Soil ever but looks more like a dry run and that event is inexplicably linked to my laptop theft. Please read my arguments that this data breach has links to the Walnut Creek Bomb Squad with links to two pipeline explosions.MORE
Letter Regarding Claim #1185580 - it took over six months to get Hillside
Covenant Church to open the claim - in between a domestic terrorism event
known as the Metcalf Event occurred in San Jose. One Pete Bennett core
allegations was the PG&E data that was placed on Bennett's laptop could be
used for a domestic terrorism event.
To see an obfuscated representation please check my
Dear Ms. Frymark,
I am writing in reference to claim #1185580 in the Hillside Covenant Church
herein known as HCC.
A sense of urgency in this matter as HCC is requested as parties near HCC have
interfered with court orders involving my minor sons ages (16 and 14) and I
believe that members have deliberately worked to separate me from my sons, are
behind several incidents and one resulting totaling and scraping of my
The following events could occur:
Restraining orders ready for filing
A letter to Contra Costa Grand Jury that connects Hillside to
another investigation
A missing persons report on my sons
One son requires medical care
Contempt of court against former spouse
Move away prevention orders
A letter to CPS on Lynds and Britz
There are several matters on the table but trusted insiders and leaders that hold positions are being highly deceptive to what they know about my July 20th 2011 hit and run accident that occurred in Lafayette CA at approx. 9:00PM. It took me a year to assemble what I know but if I’m correct your risk managers will be highly concerned.
June/July 2011 - Factual Details linking CNET, Town of Danville, Town of
Lafayette to Hillside Covenant Church.
This event occurred between approximately 5:00 PM and 9:00 PM on July 20th 2011.
- It was an attempted murder.
- It was premeditated
- It is linked to the breach of confidential PG&E documents
- The local agencies are:
- Lafayette Police Department
- Walnut Creek Police Department
- Contra Costa Sheriff Office
- Contra Costa District Attorneys
What didn't happen
- The Chief of Police refused to take a police report
- The City of Lafayette failed to address the factual issues
- The City Managers of Lafayette and Walnut Creek (Resignation of Ken Nordoff Dec. 2017)
Time: 5:00 PM - a series of messages of July 20th, 2011 Hillside Youth Director Keith Lynds via Facebook messaged me about Wednesday Night Karaoke at the Round-Up Bar. His texts recorded by Facebook repeatedly inquired when was I leaving, when would I be there and what time was I leaving.
The Hit & Run - The veiled attempt on Bennett's life.
Between 5PM and 7:30 he was texting my location at 9:00PM someone is expertly corralling my car into oncoming traffic. The net result was my car was totaled.
I first encountered Hillside via their homeless outreach in December
2010. They seemed genuine but I’ve found through research Northern
California it appears homeless are being run over, killed, murdered and
committing suicide at an alarming rate. I am sure you can verify this
via insurance industry’s shared risk management database.
The correlation to my accident last year, my arrest on July7th 2011 where the
same Hillside Member in near duplicate fashion was requesting my travel plans
as I was arrested on my way to HCC.
The other accidents involving local homeless have all occurred near the
primary road leading up to HCC. The attached image should be
Monday Free Lunch
The problem is HCC is far too close to many of the victims as by my estimates
there are seven victims out of fifty core homeless who are served at the
Monday Free Lunch. A hard to stomach statistic is they’ve collectively
suffered more than 10 accidents but my first interview with Richards he states
seven accidents but he was hit again in May. The last accident was 500’
from his July 10th 2011 accident where landed on the windshield in
a lot where cars move at 3mph.
The more I learned about accidents of homeless in the area it has glaringly
obvious something is wrong.
Last year I had a contract with PGE, a place to live, a different car and now
I’ve fallen back to homeless as a result of numerous events since last
summer. By spring this year the correlation between these accidents is
improbable. The accident pattern bears a strong resemblance to the LA
Grandmas Story which suggests there is a large insurance fraud operation in
I’m a software developer with 25 years of projects. I have enough
experience with excess lines, bordereau, reinsurance and risk management
projects so I knew right away something was wrong. My career has been
permanently impacted by these events.
I know that several SIU’s were terminated in California based on information I
provided to the DOI earlier this year. Some are directly connected to
the CNET investigation. Persons like me that know about CNET activities
going back decades have concluded that more 100 officers could go down.
I have a long list of victims that I’ve compiled by follow accidents
closely. What I’ve learned about suspects, arrestees, convicted persons
and victims is that identity theft is rampant, that many inmates arrested in
the area and some homeless deaths are connected to insurance fraud.
I’ve gathered information on the accidents such as one officer investigated
four of seven accidents involving Keith Richards even though there are 75 or
more officers on the force. More than ten have been terminated from
Walnut Creek since the CNET case was revealed.
My top level concern is my sons, their safety and the mother of my children
even though I suspect she is a participant.
I want Hillside members are isolated from my sons which may lead to a
restraining order. My sons have been virtually 100% isolated from me
since the accident and one son tried to tell me what happened.
Facebook closed Mr. Lynds profile when I realized that he was communicating
with my sons but I could not reach them. In June Bob Britz tried
to run me over in the Safeway parking lot at 600 South Broadway Walnut Creek
CA and I’ve got pictures of Lynds following me around town.
I am sorry to have to say this but Pastor Reed who’s been friends with Lynds
for 18 years is disingenuous as every communication included a request to meet
with their attorney and most important would be speak to Lynds who since the
accident has failed to respond. Lynds is well aware of my
allegations but Reed followed his friend blindly.
My attempts to mitigate were met with copious resistance leading me to suspect
Lynds was targeting me and Britz when realizing I narrowed in on what happened
tried to run me over.
I am quite frustrated and you can find these persons in your database of
deaths in the area as your statistical data should jump out what’s happened
near me.
- Loretta Hale – Danville DOD: 11/11/2011 (mom in my sons school 2004)
- Roma Bhatia – San Ramon 11/12/11
- Christopher Spence: 12/07 Gun cleaning accident (my client)
All three were real estate agents and divorcees but have learned that several
of the attorneys in this are connected to the divorce scandal.
Peter Haas – DOD: March 2011 - San Francisco Marathon collapsed and
died (my former short client) where his business was located was where my
story began 25 years ago.
David Schaff DOD: 8/2/2012 I was literally talking to this person 20
minutes before he was killed