The Anatomy of Public Corruption

Deadly Liaisons

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Around the time a high speed driver nearly killed us in 2005, weeks my friend Alicia Driscoll murdered?  Read on as this started decades ago. 

Examples of incidents

  • #strackdeaths  Murdered Sept 2014
  • #driscolldeaths Murdered 2004
  • #BremerDeath Died in custody - former roomate
  • 2014 was a bad year
  • #pgeWitness -  Unpaid by PG&E Vendors, I have been beaten, set on fire, run off the road, nearly died of bacteria or poison,

Jan 2015
This Radio Show Host was arrested, jailed, tazered, maimed, harmed,hurt and scarred.
Radio Show Guest - had me on show - she was attacked next day. 
@jennhanin Feb 5th Show
She was targeted by same attorneys another Federal Case known as #cnetscandal .
1979-Back to Back Murders near house
1979-Adjacent Farm SOLD Farmer Vanished
1982 Black Part Time Emp.  Killed by PPD
1986-Cabinet Customer Diablo View Vet- brutally murdered
1986-Reign of Terror Starts

1988-Pittsburg Cop Murders Safeway Emp.  Forced to close Cabinet Shop over threats losses @2 million
2001-Arsonist Strikes Attorney $100,000 lost
2002-Mechanic Friend Dead In Delta
2002-Former Bank Co-worked killed #deadbankers
2003-US Programmer Suicide at B of A #deadbankers
2004 ABS Failed nearly flipped Explorer
2004-Differential Failure
2004-ABS Fails Explored total loss
2004-1988 F-250 explodes on 680 Nearly Burned Alive No Police Report From San Ramon Valley Fiere
2004-I was beaten by Danville CA inspector He's dead
2004-Targeted by police now in Federal Prison
2004-Met Alicia Driscoll - She's dead in 2005
2004-Gas Line Explosion Five Dead
2005 Gas Line Explosion Witness Dead
2006-Hit and Run
2007-Former BART officer John Kelly Suicide Vasco Road 
2008-Candidate for Office Eric Nunn Perishes with BART Officer
2009-Councilman Shimansky Menigitis
2010-PG&E Engineer Orders Fake Project
2010-PG&E San Bruno Explosion
2010-Transformer Database Conversion RFP - fake company
2011-Person connected to Former Chief Holder sends project loaded with entire NYPD Undercover Database filled Energy Companies like Yankee, FP&C, TVA part of Telco Project - spun in circles.
2011-Hired to work for PG&E via Georgia Company, Bennett has bench warrants, fines, suspended license no car and is homeless
Start Today, Here is the entire SharePoint Server
PG&E Vendor supplies car, money and access to biggest litigation Case in Country

Bennett arrested car taken to local church over #pgeDatabreach
Jul-2011 Car Totaled $5,000 Loss
PG&E Contract Cancelled PG&E Certified Vendors refuses to Pay
PG&E Attorneys refuse to pay -
Bennett pens


Officers in Walnut Creek attempt to kill Bennett
Bennett files papers for City Council

2011-Friends of Walnut Creek Police and Bomb Squad drive Bennett from apartment.

2014 Bennett mugged walnut Creek, broken nose, more than 50 blows to head leading to concussions, fractured rib,
2012 Bennett's Truck Towed by - Tow Yard Burns down with Bennett's property and truck - no one has record of tow

Benny Chetcuti Jr.  indicted by US Grand Jury partnered with

Chris Butler arrested in 2011 is Benny Chetcuti Jr's inlaw.

Ray Charles "Georgia On My Mind" Piano Tutorial


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