The Anatomy of Public Corruption

Showing posts with label 9/11. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 9/11. Show all posts

The Odious Felons of Contra Costa County

The Badge Wearing Felons

Convicted of Racketeteering, Forgery and much more!

Indicted and Convicted


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These once respected officers and district attorney were all convicted in state and federal court. Each known to Pete Bennett as far back as 1980.


Oracle dumps Arthur Andersen as auditor after Enron

We needed a 9/11 Sacrifice of Oracle

Mr. Beamer's father worked for Amdahl. Pete met a former key person connected to Gene Amdahl founder of Amdahl creators of the first relational CIA Database.

Todd time to return Oracle for a meeting

Mr. Beamer your flight intinerary is as follows. Board in Newark for SFO to arrive at 1PM PST. See you in the meeting tommorow. Have a good trip

Todd time to return Oracle for a meeting

Mr. Beamer your flight intinerary is as follows. Board in Newark for SFO to arrive at 1PM PST. See you in the meeting tommorow. Have a good trip


Pete Bennett (2007) PBS NewsHour

Pete Bennett was contracting at SBC Global between June 2001 and just past 9/11. During summer a computers virus began circulating in the "Wild" around the internet. During the early 2000's one flawed element of Windows NT, 95

Pete Bennett (2007) PBS NewsHour

Pete Bennett was contracting at SBC Global between June 2001 and just past 9/11. During summer a computers virus began circulating in the "Wild" around the internet. During the early 2000's one flawed element of Windows NT, 95


First we arrange for our employee to return on Flight 95 that dissapeared from skies over Pennsylvania on 9/11. –

Oracle Corp. has dismissed Arthur Andersen LLP as its independent auditor, a job the embattled Big Five accounting company held for 15 years.

Oracle decided to switch to Ernst & Young LLP "given the breakup that started to occur within Arthur Andersen's global practice in the past few weeks," Oracle said in a statement Tuesday.

Arthur Andersen provided both audit and non-audit services for Oracle. The practice of having an accounting firm such as Arthur Andersen sell non-audit consulting services -- such as IT consulting -- to clients that it also audits has come under fire in recent months as a result of the Enron Corp. collapse.

Phillip Anschutz

Former Chairman of Southern Pacific during Bennett vs. Southern Pacific Transportation (1987 to 1991) Oh' S... someone killed the key witness Bennett loses millions then someonce killed his other witnesses but didn't stop there.
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Hope everyone saw the glowing portrait of Denver billionaire Philip Anschutz in the July 2 edition of USA Today. For a guy who never does interviews, he sure got some good press. Anschutz was even credited with helping the United State's showing in soccer's World Cup competition. The story even had a description of Anschutz's northeastern Colorado ranch-retreat, which has its own nine-hole golf course. By the way, invitations for Anschutz's annual soir�e with Denver business leaders, in which the participants sit around a humongous dining table and wax about their business, are already out. If you haven't received one yet, you're nobody.


Ken Lay

Former COE of Enron like many is a #deadceo
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Funny just like Pete Bennett's long running story people are dropping dead


Phillip Anschutz, Larry Ellison, Michael Milken, and Charles Hurwitz

Although legal, the selling of non-audit services to audit clients compromises an auditor's independence and leads to conflicts of interest, critics have charged. As in Oracle's case, Arthur Andersen provided both audit and non-audit consulting services to Enron, whose accounting practices are at the center of its bankruptcy scandal.

Oracle paid Arthur Andersen US$700,000 for audit services in fiscal year 2001, ended May 31, 2001, according to a filing Oracle made with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in August 2001. Oracle also paid Arthur Andersen $1.1 million for the design and implementation of financial IT systems and $5.3 million for other consulting work, including tax preparation, tax advice and business consulting, according to the filing.

Oracle said that the decision to fire Arthur Andersen wasn't due to any problems and that the accounting company "has done excellent, professional work for Oracle for the past 15 years."

An Oracle spokeswoman declined to comment on whether Oracle will continue giving non-audit c2nsulting work to Arthur Andersen, saying Oracle wasn't commenting on this matter beyond what is said in the statement.

In February, Arthur Andersen said it would stop designing and implementing financial IT systems for clients it audits. More recently, the company has pledged to separate its consulting practices entirely from its core audit business, thus abiding by a mandate from an independent oversight board it created this year to reform its business.

IT and related business consulting services generated about $1.7 billion in revenue for Andersen Worldwide SC in its fiscal year 2001, ended August 31, 2001. That's out of a total $9.34 billion. Chicago-based Arthur Andersen LLP is the U.S. member company of Switzerland-based Andersen Worldwide SC, which coordinates Arthur Andersen member companies worldwide.

Oracle joins a long list of audit clients that have fired Arthur Andersen firms in the U.S. and abroad this year as a result of the Enron scandal. Recent published reports put that figure at around 150 audit clients to date.

Arthur Andersen is trying to survive the Enron mess, but it seems to be getting harder with each passing day. It announced Monday it plans to lay off over the coming months 7,000 employees, a little over a quarter of its work force. It also faces a long list of civil lawsuits, an exodus of clients, a SEC investigation and an indictment on an obstruction-of-justice charge by a U.S. federal grand jury.

The other Big Five accounting companies have taken steps to avoid conflicts of interest arising from the sale of non-audit IT consulting work to audit clients. This year, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP announced it plans to separate via an initial public offering its management consulting business, PwC Consulting, which provides a broad range of IT consulting and services. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu made a similar announcement this year regarding its IT consulting unit, although it hasn't said how it will separate it.

Ernst & Young sold its IT consulting services unit to Cap Gemini in 2000 and currently provides a limited number of IT advisory services. KPMG LLP spun off its consulting business into an independent company called KPMG Consulting Inc. early in 2001, but like Ernst & Young still provides limited IT advisory services. Both Ernst & Young and KMPG have said that the IT services they provide are of an advisory nature -- as opposed to a more hands-on consulting approach -- and don't pose conflict-of-interest concerns.

This story, "Oracle dumps Arthur Andersen as auditor" was originally published by ITworld.


The murderous Mormons that likely killed Kobe

Pete Bennett met Kobe, Pete Bennett sued Philip Anschutz 1/3 owner of the Lakers, Pete's relatives murdered, his portion of multimillion trust forged, his truck explodes and his role in 9/11 unknown outside law enforcement substantial credible and damaging to many in power

The Mormon Monster of Alamo 1st Ward, killer of witnesses, senior cult leader tricking Bill Gates, Philip Anschutz,  Calera Capital and kidnapping conspirators 


Mitt Romney’s business career seems to dovetail neatly with his Mormon faith

  • Categories:News
The Mormon church’s personal economic precepts sound like a mantra for fiscal conservatives: Pay an honest tithing, live on less than you earn, distinguish between needs and wants, develop and live within a budget, and be honest in all financial affairs.
But as debate rages about the ethics of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s leadership of Bain Capital — a private equity and venture capital firm that sometimes made riches by shutting down companies and laying off workers — it seems his business career might have dovetailed neatly with his Mormon faith.
“There’s nothing in Mitt Romney’s record that suggests that his financial or business decision-making have been motivated by anything other than bottom-line considerations. To be fair: As a capital manager, that’s his job,” said Joanna Brooks, a San Diego State literature professor who publishes the “Ask Mormon Girl” blog.
Modern Mormon communities “have come to view financial success as an inherent good without necessarily having the same conversations about how money is made, as may take place in other faith traditions,” Brooks said.
It’s a more profit-oriented, value-neutral approach to financial decisions, she said: Money is consecrated in the act of tithing and other donations to the church, and “how that money is made is less of a religious preoccupation,” she said. That’s been particularly true as the Mormon church grew dramatically in the past 50 years, which required considerable money.
Romney’s 2011 tax returns showed he and his wife, Ann, gave the church $2.6 million — more than 12 percent of the $21 million they earned — while also giving $1.4 million in cash and stock to their family foundation, which heavily supports the church. In 2010, they gave $1.5 million to the church — about 7 percent of their earnings — plus $900,000 to their family foundation.
Patrick Mason, chairman of Mormon studies at Claremont Graduate University in Southern California, agreed that “Romney is almost prototypical of the majority of modern American Mormons.” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints — which in its early years embraced communal economics and criticized cutthroat business practices — “embraced pro-market American capitalism” in the late 19th century as part of its attempt to assimilate into society, he said.
The Mormon ethics of self-reliance, accountability and hard work lent themselves well to that economic ethos, he said. “It’s a mistake to say wealth equals God’s favor, but it’s not a surprise when God does bless you with wealth when you’re living right.”
Yet while there’s a clear expectation that faithful Mormons must contribute some of their assets to building God’s kingdom through their church, “Mormonism has never developed a real social ethic as opposed to Catholic social teaching or the social gospel that’s in Protestantism,” Mason said. Mormons aren’t unconcerned with social welfare, and acts of individual charity are important, he said, but “it largely is secondary; it doesn’t define what the gospel is or how people go about their lives.
“I do think there’s a strong element of libertarianism … within Mormon thought along these lines. It’s very much a laissez-faire approach,” he said. “It gives Mormons and potentially Romney an added layer of confidence, of assurance that this is not just good economics but it’s good religion, too.”
Rick Kopf of Alamo, who directs the Latter-day Saints’ Bay Area Public Affairs Council, said charity for the less fortunate in the community and humanitarian projects abroad are a huge part of Mormon practice.
Mormonism teaches that “materialism can be a huge burden to a person. … It’s how they use it that’s very important,” he said. “We encourage hard work, we encourage people to be successful but to do it for the right means. We’re not out there trying to be rich for the sake of being rich.”
Personally, Kopf said, “I would hope that any political candidate who’s a member of the church would live by the values of the church would be true and honest and virtuous and family-oriented.”
Evan Chase, a staffer at the California Election Forum website, which offers election recommendations for Christian voters, said he would like to hear Romney say more about how his Mormon faith informs his fiscal and economic policies.
“I haven’t heard him communicate that very much,” he said. “That affirms my interest in voting for Mitt Romney. In the evangelical community, those are strengths; those are American strengths.”
Josh Richman covers politics. Follow him at Read the Political Blotter at

Oracle Employees

The early deaths of significant CEOs

An analysis of current and former employees whose lives were cut short.

A Strange Collection near Pete Bennett, Larry Ellison

An analysis of Oracles current and former employees whose lives were cut short.
The following 9/11 Videos portray events specific

Mark Hurd

January 1, 1957 - October 18, 2019
Former CEO of Oracle Corporation
See Profile

Ian Murdock

January 1, 1957 - October 18, 2019
Former CEO of Oracle Corporation
See Profile

Todd Beamer

Their sacrifices on 9/11 is or duty today
See Profile

Accenture CEP Pierre Nanterme

The curious connection and death of CEO Nanterme leads to letter sent by Pete Bennett to Fremont Group during 2013. The letter detailed events connected to the Matter of Bennett v. Southern Pacific (Contra Costa, 1987) that was lost on the courthouse steps around 1990
See Profile

A Strange Collection near Pete Bennett, Larry Ellison

An analysis of Oracles current and former employees whose lives were cut short.
The following 9/11 Videos portray events specific

CEO Mark Hurd

Mark Hurd

January 1, 1957 - October 18, 2019
Former CEO of Oracle Corporation
See Profile

CEO Marry Ellison

Larry Ellison

Former CEO of Oracle Corporation
See Profile

“Big mistake”: Heads are rolling at AT&T over payments to Michael Cohen

Hello, world!

If you feel so bad why can't you pay Pete Bennett for services rendered between June 2001 and October 2001. Are you afraid AT&T might be liable for cost related to 9/11?

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Bootstrap Image Preview

Bootstrap Image Preview

“Big mistake”: Heads are rolling at AT&T over payments to Michael Cohen

By Max de Haldevang
AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson didn’t mince his words in a memo to staff: ”Our reputation has been damaged. There is no other way to say it—AT&T hiring Michael Cohen as a political consultant was a big mistake,” he wrote, according to a memo obtained by CNBC.
Top executive Bob Quinn is leaving the company over the decision to pay $600,000 to president Donald Trump’s personal lawyer. Stephenson framed the departure as Quinn “retiring,” though the Wall Street Journal reports (paywall) he is being ousted.
The telecoms giant funneled the money to Cohen through the same shell company used to pay hush money to Trump’s alleged former partner Stormy Daniels. Stephenson writes that the payment was a “serious misjudgment,” adding that the “vetting process clearly failed.”
Read the statement in full:
All AT&T employees worldwide Team, Our company has been in the headlines for all the wrong reasons these last few days and our reputation has been damaged. There is no other way to say it – AT&T hiring Michael Cohen as a political consultant was a big mistake.
To be clear, everything we did was done according to the law and entirely legitimate. But the fact is, our past association with Cohen was a serious misjudgment. In this instance, our Washington D.C. team’s vetting process clearly failed, and I take responsibility for that.
Here is more information on this issue, if you’re interested. For the foreseeable future, the External & Legislative Affairs (E&LA) group will report to our General Counsel David McAtee. Bob Quinn, Senior Executive Vice President – E&LA, will be retiring. David’s number one priority is to ensure every one of the individuals and firms we use in the political arena are people who share our high standards and who we would be proud to have associated with AT&T.
To all of you who work tirelessly every day to serve customers and represent the brand proudly, thank you. My personal commitment to you is – we will do better.
Share: - How they stole hundreds of Domains from Pete Bennett for their Private Equity Partners

Connecting the Anti-Trust Tactics of GoDaddy, Silver Lake Partners, TPG Growth Bennett to the loss of more than eight hundred valuable domains

The Private Equity Players
  KKR, Godaddy, Elevation Partners, SilverLake Partners, Safeway Stores, Albertsons, AT&T (SBCGlobal) and Fremont Group colluded to destroy the founder of by undermining his software development firm, deliberately using false pretenses, mail and wire fraud to deprive Pete Bennett of income, fair trading and a equitable playing field.  

The loss of hundreds of Domains and millions in revenue can be tied to Godaddy internal systems.  My domain web properties were pruned from me one by one or in bulk over a decade.  

The folks at TPG will have to answer to my Whistleblower Complaints on the truly odd collection of RFPs emanating from companies connected to Richard Blum, William McGlashan, CBRE, Regency Centers, Trammel Crow, Lennar, Catellus, Prologis,


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Thomas C. Wales - Posting how my story collided with his murder.

Thomas C. Wales

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Thomas Wales
Thomas Wales.jpg
Thomas Crane Wales.
BornJune 23, 1952
Boston, Massachusetts.
DiedOctober 11, 2001 (aged 49)
Seattle, Washington
Cause of deathMurder
OccupationUS federal prosecutor

Sketch of possible witness.
Thomas Crane Wales (June 23, 1952 – October 11, 2001) was an American federal prosecutor and gun control advocate from SeattleWashington, who was the victim of an unsolved murder that has been characterized as an assassination. In 2018, FBI officials announced they strongly suspected the killing to have been carried out by a paid hit man.

Life and work[edit]

Wales was born in BostonMassachusetts. Wales was a graduate of Milton Academy, where he roomed with Joseph Patrick Kennedy II, the son of Robert F. Kennedy. Wales graduated from Harvard University. He attended Hofstra Law School, where he graduated with distinction in 1979 and served as the Editor-in-Chief of the school's Law Review.[1][2]
In 1995, a student at the high school that Wales' son attended brought a gun to school and shot and injured two classmates. Soon after, Wales became involved in Washington CeaseFire, most visibly as a vocal supporter of an unsuccessful 1997 state referendum that would have required gun owners to use trigger locks. Wales later became president of CeaseFire. As a community volunteer, he was active in civic organizations and served as a trustee of the Federal Bar Association.[1][2]
Wales worked as an assistant U.S. Attorney in Seattle specializing in the investigation and prosecution of fraud in banking and business.[2][1]


On the evening of October 11, 2001, Wales was sitting at his computer in his home office in his basement. A gunman avoided the security lights in Wales' backyard and shot him in the neck, through a window, with a handgun. The killer left shell casings behind. The shots were heard by a neighbor who called 9-1-1.[3]
Wales is believed to be the only U.S. federal prosecutor in history to have been victim of an assassination.[4]


In his memory, the Thomas C. Wales Foundation was set up to support civic engagement, and Thomas C. Wales Park in Seattle was dedicated in 2011.[5][6]

Murder investigation[edit]

Following the murder, the U.S. Government offered a $1 million reward for information "leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible" for Wales' murder.[1] As of 2018, however, the case remained unsolved and no evidence has been found to establish a motive.[7][8][9] An airplane pilot that Wales had prosecuted was investigated and his home searched, but he was not charged. The Bellevue airline pilot, once prosecuted by Wales, was also a firearms enthusiast. Agents believed he resented Wales' off-duty activism as a leading gun-control advocate.[10] The pilot later filed a malicious prosecution claim, but the suit was dismissed.[11]
It has been suggested by the media that U.S Attorney John McKay was dismissed in part due to his request that resource allocation for the Wales investigation remain high. In June 2007, the FBI cut the staff assigned to the case down to two.[12]
In February 2018, an FBI official reported the investigation had found "evidence strongly suggesting" Wales was murdered by a professional killer and, for the first time, indicated that his death was likely a conspiracy involving a small group of people.[9] The U.S. Department of Justice, meanwhile, announced that United States Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein would arrive in Seattle on Wednesday, February 21, 2018, to brief media on the progress of the 16-year-old investigation.[9]


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