Connecting A long List of Murders to the Bribery Scandal
The Dubious Phone Call and Time Wasting Project
The folks at TPG will have to answer to my Whistleblower Complaints on the truly odd collection of RFPs emanating from companies connected to Richard Blum, William McGlashan, CBRE, Regency Centers, Trammel Crow, Lennar, Catellus.My story is about witness murders, private equity, mergers and acquisitions linked back to the Matter of Bennett v. Southern Pacific lost in 1989. It was a winnable case as long the witnesses testified.

Ken Salazar
Former Colorado State Attorney General, jurisdiction over the JonBenet Ramsey investigation, Former interior Secretary of the Interior under Clinton but the worst best part is he was in charge of Hillary Clinton's Transistion team. That process is reserved for the winners. Losers go home.
See Profile
FBI Agent Frank Doyle Jr.
Head West Bomb School operated by the San Francisco FBI, same FBI Agent connected to shootings at Mainframe Designs owned by Pete Bennett. Arrived during Bennett v. Southern Pacific in 1989. Bennett was honored to the Head of the FBI Bomb School, trainer of the Walnut Creek Bomb to investigate several attempts on Bennett's life that began in the 80s, all the way up to 2018. Hell Yeah!
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CHP Officer Youngstrom
Officer Kenyon Youngstrom is one of many officers murdered in the invetigations around Bennett. We met several times in a Walnut Creek Starbucks. I met friends of Chris Lacey when released from jail in Butte County. They said no way, he was a pawn in a H-1b visa interview and perfectly positioned to be 680, pulled over and then Youngstrom took over the stop. This was a fatal offcer mistake there was a sniper on the hill above the stop.
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Vadim Trincher
Arrested in connection the Russian Money Laundering scandal that unfolded in the Trump Towers. Prosecutred by Southern District of New York DA Preet Baharra
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Love Lafayette?
The City of Lafayette is good hands today but a July 2011 attempt vehicular homicide on Bennett's life remains an open investigation.
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Alicia Driscoll and Jineva
Found murdered in June 2005 labeled murder suicide, was friends with Pete Bennett, called with can you and your boys come over for backyard picnic? She never called
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The Strack Family
The dubious murder suicide connected to a trust forgery, connected to Pete Bennett with numerous murder suucide victims near him.
See Profile
The Howard Twins
Born and Raised in Danville, Torched in Danville, Tortured in Danville, Defrauded
See Profile
Attorney John Nejedly
The Nice Guy ! Born and Raised in Walnut Cree, Candidate in Danville, College Trustee, Liked Peets Coffee, dubious fate to the butter end.
See Profilexxxx12
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