Mortem Sibi Conscivit - Sucides
Sepember 23rd, 2014Pete Bennett addresses the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors. The room was filled with county leaders safety, fire and hospital leadership.
My comments:
- PG&E Explosions are Domestic Terrorism
- Domestic Terrorism
- Poison
- Bacteria
- Decades of unfullflled police reports
A national news story ran about a family of five found dead. The Strack's were my nephews and yes the obsfucated police report are part of the story.
Homeless Homicides
On Februry 23rd, 2012, I learned the Todd Cambra, a homeless person in Walnut Creek CA was in John Muir Hospital after being run over on S. California Blvd., began searching for Keith Richards (Alias) after learning he was out of the hospital.Homeless Homicides
Mormon Murders
My first real contact with Mormons wasn't good as I arrived home with the Kings of Cultism in my house.The way the Mormons operate is like a chess board, they Sacrafice Pawns, then roooks then it goes on to Bishop on f1 to g2, g2 pawn to g3?
- Mormon Temples
- Stakes
- Wards
- Dead Bishops, Dead Members and you'll see #MormonMurders
- Next to them are
- #deadlitigants ~ Contra Costa Superior Court
- #deadattorneys ~ Contra Costa County Bar
- #deadwitnesses ~ Kinder Morgan
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