Pete Bennett Seeks Reward
After truck explosions, accidents, wildfires and explosions then Captain Skinner of Walnut Creek Police directs his subordinates to arrest Bennett. Now a former and unpaid PG&E programmer who knows events were murder and terrorism come together.The Back Story of a Cop murder
Garnier and Suspect is BS

Bennett stayed back to 20 years with events emanating from the loss of his cabinet and millwork busines linked to the murder of a witness in 1989.
Mayor Feinstein (1988)

Lining up careers by dates some obvious comparisons come to light. More to come.
Mayor Feinstein (1988)
The Death of Catherine Perata is one of the ways political power is destroyed.
Garnier and Suspect is BS

In 2008 Bennett comes forward in a murder case near Senator Feinstein (SFPD), then Feinstein refuses constituent services to Bennett, then Richard Blum emerges being connected to Operation Varsity Blues.
Often in meetings over years of construction and software development I've heard the comments. The simulations miss the mark all too often as support locations are there for logistics and need to be located near the customers and the incidents. Each city needs depots, storage lots and acres of space for wire spools, trucks and spare telephone poles.
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