The Anatomy of Public Corruption

Running For Walnut Creek City Council Puts Your Life at Risk

  • Walnut Creek City Council Race
  • Homeless Candidate for Office 
  • Gathered Nomination Papers 
  • Attempted to get additional nomination papers 
  • Was denied certified papers 
  • Filed complaint with Dept.of Elections
  • Asked for investigation
  • Learned clerk at DOE husband committed suicide 
  • Personally knew that former DOE worker committed suicide in 2007 
  • Personally Knew Eric Nunn Candidate crashed into mountain
  • Tracks suspicious deaths near or with public officials  
  • Stands Up At Public Hearings 
  • Days after Sept. 

Speaking Up Is Deadly 

Sept 23rd Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors Meeting 
Pete Bennett using the Brown Act fills out the required comment card, takes podium, stands in front the following Supervisors, their staff, the 
Present in audience 
Head of Contra Costa Health Plan Dr. Walker 
Chief's  - Contra Costa County Fire Protection District and San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District 

On June 26th I filed claims against the City of Walnut Creek which are sent to the Municipal Pooling Authority (MPA) claims administration for Walnut Creek and other Contra Costa County Cities.  This claims administrator is responsible for fairly arbitrating claims.  

One claim centers on allegations that Walnut Creek Officers colluded to obstruct justice by failing to follow and stop a vehicle stalking this Walnut Creek resident.  My claims are poignant where I'm alleging attempted murder, conspiracy and obstruction of justice.  

Within a week someone tries to run me over again.   

The Municipal Pooling Authority received a claim in 2004 in regards to Danville Building Inspector Gary Vinson Collins.  Mr. Collins fell and died on Dec.19th, 2011 three weeks after this police report

In Mitchel v. Contra Costa County a case that would died a civil death by Obstruction of Justice supports just how deep the CNET Scandal,   One more dead case for Contra Costa County, their outside counsel and local municipalities is no different than ten years of coordinated attacks on this resident.  

On Sept. 23rd I spoke to the Contra Costa Board of Supervisors clearly stating allegations of poison, accidents, arson and friends being killed. On August 3rd 2012 I made similar comments to the Contra Costa Council of Mayors.  The next week I discovered one of club bouncers where I sing was killed on WB-24, and then a year later learned that Nate Greenan was killed in the same location.  Nate is a Mormon who was my attorneys in-law and son of Attorney James Greenan but more important Nate knows Ernie Scherer III imprisoned for the 2009 Scherer Murders.  

Collins is dead, and former Danville Council member Anderson is full informed on the Collins incident, the Municipal Pooling Authority, their attorneys know and Collins death is highly suspicious. Greenan's death leads to straight other deaths near the CNET story.  

Nate Greenan grew up down the street from my former Danville Residence.  I suspect he's my sons half brother, my brothers family is the Strack killed in Springville UT. 

 File a Complaint



The information below will assist you in filing a complaint with the Fair Political Practices Commission if you suspect a violation of the Political Reform Act ("the Act"). Please read these instructions carefully. A complaint form must be completed in its entirety to constitute the submission of a sworn complaint. If you have any questions regarding the information required by the complaint form, do not hesitate to call and speak with a Political Reform Consultant in the Commission's Enforcement Division 916-322-5660 and press 1 or toll free at 866-ASK-FPPC and press 1. Often, discussing your complaint with a consultant will expedite its processing and resolution.


A. Sworn Complaint

The law provides that if you suspect a violation of the Act you may file a sworn complaint with the FPPC (Gov. Code Sec. 83115).
The Act and FPPC Regulations provide that a sworn complaint filed with the FPPC entitles the complainant to certain rights and processes, described below. A sworn complaint must comply with certain requirements. Using the complaint form and providing as detailed information as possible will assist the FPPC in processing your complaint. At a minimum, you must do all of the following:
  1. Submit your complaint in writing.
  2. Sign the complaint under penalty of perjury.
  3. Identify the person(s) who allegedly violated the Act and list the specific provisions the person(s) violated.
  4. Describe with particularity the facts constituting the alleged violation and provide any evidence to support the complaint.
  5. Include names and addresses of witnesses, if known.
The FPPC may only act on complaints alleging violations within its jurisdiction. In order for us to process your complaint, all of the pertinent information the form asks of the complainant must appear on the form, not as an attachment. The complaint must state a specific violation of the act including the date on which it occurred, and must also state how you have personal knowledge of the violation. It may be helpful to contact our Enforcement Division prior to filing a complaint to determine whether the activity presents an issue on which the FPPC has jurisdiction to act. For immediate assistance from the Enforcement Division, call 916-322-5660 and press 1 or toll free at 866-ASK-FPPC and press 1.

B. Potential Anonymity of Complainant

A complaint sent to the FPPC is subject to the Public Records Act and public disclosure, except under very limited circumstances.
If you wish to file a sworn complaint and believe you have legitimate reasons for us to keep your identity as the complainant confidential, please call our offices (916-322-5660 and press 1 or toll free at 866-ASK-FPPC and press 1) and ask to discuss the matter with an Enforcement Division attorney. The attorney will assess your status and advise you of the possibility of withholding disclosure of your identity. However, a court could ultimately make this determination.
After you discuss the matter with an FPPC attorney, if the attorney advises you the FPPC would make a claim to protect your identity, a sworn complaint form including an affidavit setting forth the basis of your claim will be prepared and sent to you to complete, sign under penalty of perjury and return to the FPPC.

C. Anonymous Complaints: Toll Free "tip line" 800-561-1861

If you do not want your name disclosed in connection with your complaint under any circumstances, you may call 800-561-1861 on Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to Noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., and make the complaint anonymously. Commission staff will evaluate your claims and has the authority to pursue a complaint on its own initiative.

D. E-Mail Complaints

If you wish to file a complaint electronically, submit your complaint to


Within 14 days of receiving your sworn complaint, we will tell you how we intend to proceed. Be advised that unless the Chief of Enforcement deems otherwise, within three business days of receiving your sworn complaint we will send a copy of it to the person(s) you allege violated the law.


A sworn complaint found to merit a full investigation will be assigned to the Enforcement Division staff, including an attorney, and an investigator or accounting specialist, or both. The Enforcement Division may obtain additional documents, interview witnesses, including the person alleged to have violated the Act, and issue subpoenas.
Once our Enforcement Division staff has fully investigated a complaint, they may ask the Commissioners to approve a settlement agreement in which the subject of the investigation agrees to pay an administrative fine or take other remedial action. The FPPC may also close the case for lack of supporting evidence or other reasons. Alternatively, the case may be appropriate for a formal process that can result in an administrative prosecution and a hearing before an administrative law judge and possibly the full Commission. Finally, the FPPC may levy fines, dismiss the case or take other appropriate action.
In some cases, the FPPC may prosecute a case by a filing a civil lawsuit in the courts. The case may also be referred to a district attorney or the Attorney General for criminal prosecution.


To file a sworn complaint, please fill out and print the complaint form Complaint Form and mail it to the address on the form.
For more information, you may call the FPPC at 916-322-5660 and press 1 or toll free at 866-ASK-FPPC (866-275-3772) and press 1.


Argue Away My Conspiracy

The Deaths Near Me
The Strack Deaths
Roma Bhatia - San Ramon CA
Loretta Hale - Danville CA
Patricia Noel - Alamo CA
Alicia Driscoll
Chris Spence - Somewhere in Contra Costa County
Roland Haydell III
Walnut Creek CA 
Judith and Adam Williams Walnut Creek CA 



Quick Facts

First Contact: August 2014
Oversight of:
State Bar 
Evidence Code 

David Bremer Suicide 
Fatal Police Shootings 
Criminal Procedure 
Life Without Parole 


Stalk Me No More 


The Senate Committee on Public Safety meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. in Room 4203
and also meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. in Room 3191.

♦ Committee Jurisdiction
Legislation amending the following: a) Evidence Code, relating to criminal procedure; b) Penal Code;
c) statutes of a penal nature not related closely to a subject included in another subdivision of this rule; and
d) legislation relating to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

♦ Committee Members
Senator Loni Hancock (Chair)
Senator Joel Anderson (Vice Chair)
Senator Kevin de León 
Senator Steve Knight
Senator Carol Liu
Senator Holly Mitchell
Senator Darrell Steinberg
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A Pattern of Murders Disguised as Something Else


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Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Donec sed odio dui.
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The Mormon Home Teacher Took My Original Trust Documents

The Trailer Accident 

In 2004 my trailer flipped on Stone Valley Road Alamo CA but on that trailer was my entire business, legal files, claims against Danville, Contra Costa County and Gary Vinson Collins. 

The Milne Trust leads in part to Springville, UT and Salt Lake City to the great Mormon Pumpernickel Quire but also leads to the Danville Mormon Stake located on Old Torcherer Road were Ernie Scherer Jr., his wife Ardoth, Patricia Noel and Brian Schwalen once attended General Conference where the equivalent of the Pope doles out the Kool-Aid. 

What is close to this person is another group of separate Spinal Meningitis cases.  The dot's are closing in and it leads to Accenture, GE and PIMCO where when I post what I know you'll begin to wonder what the F___ is going on.  

Related Stores 


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Energy, Utilities and Communications meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 9:30 A.M. in Room 3191.

JURISDICTION: Bills relating to utilities, energy companies, alternative energy development and conservation, and communications development and technology.


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Expect to be called

This story is Hydra - it never stops.  On Sunday Nov 2nd I was mugged, beaten again, in March I was attacked by persons at Panera Bread connected the city of Walnut Creek, my roommate died in the jail after eating a baloney sandwich, I've cited numerous times for moving violations, I cannot get my license back because the fines you levy on your citizens are an undue burden where it's estimated that over 600,000 residents can't pay their fines, can't get jobs and then we get charged for failing to pay child support - read my story from US Programmer to Deadbeat - your tax dollars at work, a segment about what happened to me.

State Senator Mark DeSulnier chose to call the Threat Assessment Unit under the California Highway Patrol.  This unit has listened to events occurring near me and I've documented more than ten murders.  When I first sat down with them in 2011 I stated Politicians, Public Officials and others were being killed near the CNET story but part of this leads to PG&E where I developed software but as events unfolded I created another blog called Gas Pipeline Explosions where PG&E Laptop was stolen but allegedly recovered by none other than the Walnut Creek Bomb Squad who coincidentally responded the "other" near deadly Rossmoor Limo Fire which I'm calling arson connected to other deadly fires such as the FedEx/School Bus, the PG&E San Bruno Explosion, Walnut Creek Kinder Morgan Explosion that leads into the same agencies connected to my 2004 Arson, my attorneys offices (2001) and the 1988 incident where an IRS Agents car exploded near Citrus Circle.

When you look at the story in a strait line then it wouldn't hard to consider that the 1988 murder of SFPD Officer Lester Garnier threads over the 1988 Murder of Cynthia Kempf by Pittsburg Officer Eric Bergen.  I knew both of them so rest assured this is not my first corrupt cop rodeo.

but I've encountered a Danville Officer impersonating a CHP Officer but it's not that important to CHP Internal Affairs.  That event occurred just after fatal shooting death of CHP Officer Youngstrom who took the time to learn about my 2004 Arson written off as accidental. Worse was my friend was former Starbuck's employee Anthony Banta Jr. was killed months later.

I've filed numerous police reports about persons stalking me but they also know I spoke to Youngstrom.  I reported the incident to Starbucks and asked them to save the video.

I shared my CNET story and my 2004 Truck Arson fire plus let Officer Youngstrom know the event was CHP Jurisdiction.

Burn Em' Alive - The Contra Costa Arson network.
In December 2009 the arsonist struck again with the death Eiko Sugihara but again few noticed that just down the street was the Pamela Vitale 2005 murder.  Over on WB-24 the brother in-law of my attorney Nathaniel Greenan was killed on April 18th, 2012, but also in was the alleged suicide of Michael McNulty who few know is the nephew of Former State Senator Richard Rainey's and his wife Former Walnut Creek Mayor Sue Rainey.

Sugihara's son is attorney Glenn Paul Sugihara - #87360, Vitale's husband is attorney Daniel Aaron Horowitz - #92400, Greenan's father is Super LawyerJames Steven Greenan - #53648 and his son in-law is attorney Dax Yeophantong Craven - #248583 but few are aware the his father is Robert Eugene McNulty - #54111, even less know about Bennett v. Collins (2006, 2004) Contra Costa Superior Court who was a witness to the CNET Scandal and knows persons listed on my CNET Players page who were police officer convicted of extortion, the Hobbs Act (RICO)


Senate President pro Tem

Kevin de León (D)

Senate President pro Tem

Capitol Office

State Capitol, Room 205, Sacramento, CA 95814-4900; (916) 651-4022

District Office

1808 W. Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90026; (213) 483-9300
Senator Corbett

Ellen M. Corbett (D)

Senate Majority Leader

Capitol Office

State Capitol, Room 313, Sacramento, CA 95814-4900; (916) 651-4010

District Offices

1057 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 206, San Leandro, CA 94577; (510) 577-2310       
39155 Liberty Street, Suite F610, Fremont, CA 94538; (510) 794-3900

Jerry Hill (D)

Democratic Caucus Chair

Capitol Office

State Capitol, Room 5064, Sacramento, CA 95814-4900; (916) 651-4013

District Office

1528 South El Camino Real, Suite 303 San Mateo 94402; (650) 212-3313

Bob Huff (R)

Senate Minority Leader

Capitol Office

State Capitol, Room 305, Sacramento, CA 95814-4900; (916) 651-4029

District Office

1800 E. Lambert Road, Suite 150,  Brea, CA 92821; (714) 671-9474

Ted Gaines (R)

Republican Caucus Chair

Capitol Office

State Capitol, Room 3070, Sacramento, CA 95814-4900; (916) 651-4001

District Offices

4359 Town Center Blvd., Suite 112, El Dorado Hills CA 95762; (916) 933-7213
1670 Market Street, Suite 244, Redding, CA 96001; (530) 225-3142


The California Senate

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