Bennett Customer
No Police Report

Pete Bennett a resident of Contra Costa County since 1978 has left numerous requests for police reports. Behind Bennett is a meter reader, a Walnut Creek Police Car and the boot of an officer while he lay bleeding in the street. Bennett was taken to Kaiser for scans when did get the skull fracture, then she noticed the broken collar bone, then the rotator cuff, then she noticed this was the first assualt case based on my charts.
2004 Kinder Morgan Explosion
Bennett traveled through the Broadway Bypass heading to court with Judge Golub where Bennett was laden with triple fines. This explosion and related investigation was rigged but the real owners lead the the 1990 Witness Murder in Bennett vs. Southern Pacific
Philip Anschutz

Chairman of the Board of Southern Pacific well aware that in order to beat Plaintiff Pete Bennett they needed to kill someone and they did.
Alamo 1st Ward Murders

Pete Bennett met Nate Greenan sometime in the early 2000s, they both performed at Vinnies Bar and Grill in Concord. That same week Bennett was arrested where Deputy Vince Jimenez placed a dangerous inmate in his cell then witheld medication of a highly unstable inmate.
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