The Anatomy of Public Corruption

July 1997 3 Employees Killed At D.C. Starbucks Solved

Connecting Success Factors to Bennett

The Dubious Phone Call and Time Wasting Project
The folks at TPG will have to answer to my Whistleblower Complaints on the truly odd collection of RFPs emanating from companies connected to Richard Blum, William McGlashan, CBRE, Regency Centers, Trammel Crow, Lennar, Catellus.

My story is about witness murders, private equity, mergers and acquisitions linked back to the Matter of Bennett v. Southern Pacific lost in 1989.  It was a winnable case as long the witnesses testified.  

3 Employees Killed At D.C. Starbucks
By Steve Vogel and Cheryl W. ThompsonWashington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, July 8, 1997; Page A01
Three employees of a Starbucks coffee store near Georgetown were found brutally slain yesterday morning, sending shock waves through a community generally immune from such violence.
The bodies of night manager Mary Caitrin Mahoney, 25, Emory Allen Evans, 25, and Aaron David Goodrich, 18, were found at 5:15 a.m. in a back room of the store at 1810 Wisconsin Ave. NW, in Burleith, just north of Georgetown, police said. An employee arriving for work found the bodies. All three had been shot several times.
The distraught employee ran from the store and flagged down a passing Metro bus, screaming that people had been shot, according to a police supervisor. The driver of the bus notified police.
Evans started working at the store part time about three weeks ago, and Goodrich had been hired several months ago, friends and relatives said.
No money was taken from the store, police said.
A police source at the scene said detectives were working "a solid lead" and examining whether a former employee might be involved. "We are definitely checking that out," he said.
In response to the slayings, an official for Starbucks announced that security guards have been added to several local stores for an indefinite period.
Police believe the slayings took place about the time the store closed at 8 p.m. Sunday. Several bullet casings were recovered at the scene but no weapon was found, according to a homicide detective.
Howard Schultz, chairman and chief executive of Starbucks Coffee Co., the Seattle-based chain, broke off a vacation and flew to Washington on a chartered jet, said Dean Torrenga, Starbucks regional director for the mid-Atlantic region. Schultz met with employees from the Wisconsin Avenue store. He is planning to remain in the area indefinitely.
Starbucks has 62 stores in the Washington area, including 10 in the city, said company spokesman David Schwab. The Wisconsin Avenue store has been open since the summer of 1994.
The slayings were the first for the chain, which has more than 1,200 locations around the world, Torrenga said.
D.C. Council member Jack Evans (D-Ward 2) described the killings as "horrible."
"To have a triple homicide anywhere in the District of Columbia is an unusual event," said Evans, who represents the Georgetown area on the council. "To have a triple homicide in Georgetown is extraordinary. Georgetown has never been a place where crime has been a problem."
Jim Mauro, a resident of the Burleith neighborhood and a daily visitor to Starbucks, said the lights to the store were on when he passed by about 10 p.m. Sunday.
"I remember remarking that they were still open, and I was surprised," he said, adding that the store typically is dark after 8 p.m. on Sundays.
Homicide detectives and crime technicians pored over the scene for hours after the bodies were found, working inside and outside the building adorned with the familiar green-and-black Starbucks logo. They dusted doors for fingerprints, searched the store and talked with residents, hoping to piece together what happened.
A dozen blue-uniformed police recruits were bused to the scene yesterday morning to look for evidence outside the split-level, brown brick store.

Mahoney's silver 1994 Saturn sat alone in the parking lot adjacent to Starbucks, where she had left it the day before. The only possible indication that something had gone awry was a flat tire on the front passenger side of the car. Inside, the car was spotless, save for what looked like signs that Mahoney had recently spent time playing with a pet – a dirty tennis ball, a plastic chew toy, a dog's brush and a red towel.

Mahoney's grandmother had recently bought the car for her so she would be safer in the city.
"She was brave," her mother, Mary Belle Annenberg, said during a telephone interview from the family's home in Baltimore. "She did not want to live [her life] afraid."
As a young girl, Mahoney would check for the "bogyman" to make sure it was safe for her older brother, Patrick, to go upstairs to his bedroom.
While a high school student at McDonogh Preparatory School in Pikesville, Md., she traveled to the Soviet Union as a foreign exchange student.
And when she moved to Washington several years ago, she would jog alone an hour before daybreak, never worrying about being attacked or assaulted.
"Caity was special," her mother said. "She had an enormous heart. She probably would have compassion for the person who killed her."
Mahoney, who lived in Northwest Washington, was the youngest of three children and was looking forward to celebrating her 26th birthday July 22. She adored animals, particularly horses, and even took in Marlu, her sister Molly's toothless black-and-white alley cat.
Mahoney attended Fordham University and Ithaca College in New York before graduating with honors from Towson State University, near Baltimore. A loyal and active Democrat, she interned for President Clinton when he was first elected, arranging tours at the White House, her mother said.
But it was her managerial job at Starbucks that really excited her, her family said. She had been employed by the company for two years and enjoyed being the manager. She was often seen sweeping the sidewalk in front of the store.
What she didn't enjoy, though, was disciplining employees, her mother said, particularly one Mahoney recently dismissed for allegedly stealing several hundred dollars.
"She struggled with the issue before having to fire him," her mother said.
Last month, Mahoney was a bridesmaid at the wedding of her brother, and she spent the Fourth of July watching fireworks with her family in Baltimore.
"I hugged her goodbye," said her stepfather, Barnet Annenberg, who had raised Mahoney since she was 6 years old. "That was the last time I saw her.
"That's a heck of a way for a kid to go out of this world. She wasn't even in the prime of her life yet."
Emory Evans, who lived in Northeast Washington, worked part time at Starbucks. He was hired three weeks ago and had hoped to save enough money to attend Howard University, where he wanted to major in music.
"When he didn't come home from work [Sunday night], I got worried," said his father, David. "And then I heard about the shootings and I knew something was wrong. It turned out to be my son."
The six-foot-tall Evans, an only child, moved to Washington about 18 months ago from New Jersey. He was a graduate of Vineland (N.J.) High School and loved playing the horn.
"He was trying to do the right thing," his father said. "He was a very nice kid who was just trying to make extra money."
Aaron Goodrich, 18, was described as a "nice young man" by the people who worked in the building in Northwest Washington where he shared an apartment with his father, Larry.
"They're very close," said Marge Kelsey, a family friend. "He's just unbelievably proud of his son."
The father and son recently returned from a beach vacation, Kelsey said. And it was the youth's father who helped him get the Starbucks job several months ago, she said.
"His son meant everything to him," Kelsey said.
Two Starbucks employees who arrived at the store yesterday morning wept from across the street as the first body was loaded into the D.C. medical examiner's van.
Jillian Newton worked the noon-to-5 shift Sunday at Starbucks. She said Sunday is usually one of the store's busiest days.
"Throughout the day, there were probably 10 people working, and there are always three people who close the store," Newton said.
Wisconsin Avenue, normally a bustling commuter route, was closed in both directions at R and 34th streets until nearly noon yesterday as police continued their investigation. The Metro bus flagged down by the Starbucks employee sat on the street throughout the morning.
Rebecca Sinderbrand, the advisory neighborhood commissioner for the Burleith neighborhood, said she was a frequent customer at the coffee shop.
"It is a great meeting place," said the 20-year-old Georgetown University student. "Everyone knows Starbucks. I'd meet people there for ANC business or whatever."
The 1800 block of Wisconsin includes a variety of shops, including hair salons and a pottery store. Although there is continual pedestrian and car traffic, the block is fairly quiet on Sunday evenings, neighbors said.
There is normally little crime in the area, although there was a spate of armed robberies last summer, police said.
Several businesses were open when the Starbucks closed Sunday evening, including a Safeway food store and a bagel shop across the street.
The Starbucks store is popular both with residents of upper Georgetown as well as drivers on Wisconsin Avenue.
"They get a big crowd in the morning," Mauro said. "A lot of people commuting stop in. This is very, very sad stuff."
Staff writers Janina de Guzman, Jennifer Ordon~ez and Linda Wheeler contributed to this report.

© Copyright 1997 The Washington Post Company

Connecting Chief or Commander Wenzel to the Murders of inmate David Filkins Bremer, Deputy Carlos Francies and Robert Smith.

Connecting Chief or Commander Wenzel to the Murders of inmate David Filkins Bremer, Deputy Carlos Francies and Robert Smith.

The Dubious Phone Call and Time-Wasting Project

The folks at TPG will have to answer to my Whistleblower Complaints on the truly odd collection of RFPs emanating from companies connected to Richard Blum, William McGlashan, CBRE, Regency Centers, Trammell Crow, TPG Growth, Concord Naval Weapons Station, Base Realignment, Target Data Breach, NCR (Target POS Systems Vendor), Oracle (Target POS Software Vendor), Lawrence Investments, Kinder Morgan,

Anthony Banta Jr., Jason Amen Watts, Bernard (Tiny) Bynum. Cynthia Kempf, Ashley Turton, Adam Milford, Rylan Fuchs, Scott Dyleski, Scott Peterson, Ernie Scheer III, Vadim Trincher, Battalion Chief Riley, Deputy Chief Wiley, Officer Kenyon Youngstrom, Simon Hardware, Eileen Gorgas, Ideal Homes, Bob Martinez Landscaping, Tanjah Poe, Timothy Lee, Timothy Mitchell, Sgt. Paul Starzyk, Former BART officer John Kelly, BART Officer Craig Wilson, Erik Nunn, Natalie Nezara, Lisa Dickinson, Alison Bayliss, Daniel Van Voorhis, Behring, City Attorney Mark Coon, Kevin Flanagan, Darien Sable, Patricia Perry, Councilman Mike Shimansky, Councilman Gary Bell, Tax Collector Bill Pollacek, Dr. Kim Fang, Gary Vinson Collins, Robert Frazier, The Clone Zone, Record Factory (Ann) , Patricia Noel, District Attorney Mark Peterson, Pfc Joseph Beheil, Spc. James Coon, Marie Coon, Loretta Hale, Roma Bhatia, Clare Orton, Scott Bertics, Alicia Driscoll, Jineva Driscoll, Tim Hogan, James Hogan, Gavin Powell, Matthew Miller, Bishop Matthew Michael Lyons, Kristie Ferraro, Mike Sevenau, George Schram, Brian Erb, Adam Williams, Williams, Dean Huber, Huber, Pamela Vitale, Laci Peterson, Samantha Lewis, Tamara Moats, Charles (Chuck) Silverman, Kellie Reed, Johnny (Walnut Blvd.), Robert Frazier, Rhonda (Homeless), John Dullich, Todd Cambra, Kristi Strack, Benjamin Strack, Benson Strack, Emery Strack, Sgt. Scott Lunger, Earl Foster, The Putman Drive Incident, Mayor Moscone, Supervisor Milk, Dan White, The Bernam, Doe 1 Pleasant Hill 1979, Doe 2 Pleasant Hill 1979, Aaron Nettles, Crazy Dave (Martinez), Dori Garder (Crossing Fatality), Greg Anspaugh (Missing,1999, Martinez Missing Person 1999, Floyd Brown Jr. 1990, Eustacio Torres, Catalina Torres, Elizabeth Torres, Workers, Caldecott Tunnel, James Wesley Naylor, Albert Villalobos, Pasi Hamillien, Deputy John Foley (ACSO), Brandon Marshall, Chris Lacey, James B, Elizabeth Hitt. Donald Fontaine, Judy Scroggins, Patrick Butler, Shirley Pond, Randolph Grieg, Peter Branagh, Mona Branagh, Mrs. Tanya Nunn, Mrs. Craig Wilson, Adam Elliot, Sister of Rylan Fuchs, John Sweeney, Venza Heinze, Valle Vista Drive Resident, Melody Lister, Kaitlyn Strand, Josh Peterson, Patricia Perry, Paul Perry, Paul Sween, Chandra.Sween (wife), Don W., Brian Schwallen, Son Blackhawk, Samantha Mooney. Her Boyfriend, Michelle Celebrini, daughter, friend, Noel Ridual, Josephine Ridual, both 28, Lorenzo Silva , Harve Ringheim, Keiko Ringheim (wife), Christopher Spence, Michael Spence, Roland Haydell III (aka Keith Richards), Jamey Sheets, Cynthia Kempf, Matthew Moody, Graham, Runzel, Sakeyev Safar , Dr. Henry Eaton Collins, Randolph Grieg, Andrea Babyak, Officer Lester Garnier, Chief Alex Fagan, US Attorney Thomas C Wales, Scott Shepherd, Lara Shepherd, Floria Hakimi, #1 , #2, Mayor Ed Lee, Emmon Bodfish, Ernest Scherer Jr., Charlene Arbenoth, Walter Little, Julie Strack, Clinton Eull, Leon James Dwullet Jr.. Renato Simone, Edward Simone, Andrea Babyak, Andrea Huseby, Dale Potter, James Gilliland, Kevin Flanagan, Emily Courchesne, Farmers Market Clerk, George Stahl, Kadeem Hodge, Susan Kennedy, Glen Davis, Eiko Sugihara, Margaret Lesher, Anja Simonsen, Tony Nunes, Robert Seymour, Adrian Seymour, Tom Gonzalez Jr. , John T. Nejedly Attorney, Charles Burns, Jared Tucker, Sabrina Boyle, Martin Nelis, Miguel Toruño, Daniel L. Brenner, Michael Ruppert, Seth Rich, Madeline Seeley, Catherine Perata, Jacqueline Greig, Jennata Grieg, Noel Clyde Cobb, Meagan Mundi, Gabrielle Mundi, Mary Mahoney, Dimitra Mantas, Dennis Sandoval, Chris Stevens, Cosette Ellison, Erv Romans, Officer Michael Johnson, Officer David Haynes, Officer Leonard Garcia,



Crow, Lennar, Catellus.

My story is about witness murders, private equity, mergers and acquisitions linked back to the Matter of Bennett v. Southern Pacific lost in 1989. It was a winnable case as long the witnesses testified.





Connecting Gary Vinson Collins to the Bribery Scandal and the to Bennett

Correlating witness murder of Gary Vinson Collins to the College Admissions Bribery Scandal 

Linked to Contra Costa Narcotic Enforcement Scandal on November 2nd, 2011 tragically dead by dead by December. 

One of his sons found me in Walnut Creek near BART.  I did my best to appeal to his better side but I said I lost my sons.  

My story is about witness murders, private equity, mergers and acquisitions linked back to the Matter of Bennett v. Southern Pacific lost in 1989.  It was a winnable case as long the witnesses testified.  

Case: Bennett v. Collins

Bennett v. Collins

Case Facts

Peter Bennett

PO Box 523


Telephone:       (925) 705-1812

Facsimile:        (000) 000-0000

In Pro Per



Pete Bennett



Gary Collins, and DOES 1-20, inclusive,






















Plaintiff alleges:

1. Defendant Gary Collins is an individual.  Plaintiff Pete Bennett is informed and believes that, at all times herein mentioned, defendant Gary Collins was a resident of Contra Costa County, California.
2. Defendants Doe 1 through Doe 20, inclusive, are sued herein under fictitious names. Their true names and capacities are unknown to plaintiff. When their true names and capacities are ascertained, plaintiff will amend this complaint by inserting their true names and capacities herein.  Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that each of the fictitiously named defendants is responsible in some manner for the occurrences herein alleged, and that plaintiff's damages as herein alleged were proximately caused by those defendants. Each reference in this complaint to ''defendant,'' ''defendants,'' or a specifically named defendant refers also to all defendants sued under fictitious names.
3. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that at all times herein mentioned each of the defendants, including all defendants sued under fictitious names, was the agent and employee of each of the remaining defendants, and in doing the things hereinafter alleged, was acting within the course and scope of this agency and employment.

4. Plaintiff incorporates paragraphs 1 through 3 this Complaint as if the same were fully stated herein.

5. On or about September 21, 2004, defendant Gary Collins came to plaintiff Pete Bennett’s residence at
161 Valle Vista Drive in

.  Defendant Gary Collins menacingly approached and yelled threatening and offensive words at plaintiff, including threats of death and bodily harm.  Further, defendant Gary Collins attempted to strike and did, in fact,
strike plaintiff, thereby inflicting bodily harm upon plaintiff.

6. In doing the acts as alleged above, defendant intended to cause plaintiff an apprehension of a harmful or an offensive contact with plaintiff's person.

7. As a result of defendant's acts as alleged above, plaintiff, in fact, was placed in great apprehension of a harmful contact with plaintiff's person.

8. At no time did plaintiff consent to any of the acts of defendant alleged above.

9. As a proximate result of the acts of defendant as alleged above, plaintiff suffered physical injuries to his elbow, shoulder, arm, knee, leg and chest.

10. As a proximate result of the acts of defendant as alleged above, plaintiff was hurt and injured in his health, strength, and activity, sustaining injury to his nervous system and person, all of which have caused, and continue to cause, plaintiff great
mental, physical, and nervous pain and suffering.  As a result of these injuries, plaintiff has suffered general damages.

11. As a further proximate result of defendant's acts, plaintiff has been damaged in that he has been required to expend money and incur obligations for medical services and treatment reasonably required in the treatment and relief of the injuries herein

12. As a further proximate result of the acts of defendant, plaintiff has incurred medical and related expenses.

13. Plaintiff is informed and believes that, as a further proximate result of the acts of defendant, plaintiff will continue to incur medical and related expenses.

14. As a further proximate result of the acts of defendant, plaintiff was prevented from participating in his usual occupation and thereby lost earnings to his damage.

15. Plaintiff is informed and believes that, as a further proximate result of the acts of defendant, plaintiff's present and future earning capacity has been impaired.

16. The aforementioned conduct of defendant was willful and malicious and was intended to oppress and cause injury to plaintiff. Plaintiff is therefore entitled to an award of punitive damages.

17. Plaintiff incorporates paragraphs 1 through 3 and 8 through 16 of this Complaint as if the same were fully stated herein.
18. On or about September 21, 2004, defendant Gary Collins came to plaintiff Pete Bennett’s residence at
161 Valle Vista Drive in

.  Defendant Gary Collins struck plaintiff with his hands on multiple occasions and threw plaintiff to the ground.  Defendant Gary Collins pinned plaintiff to the ground by pressing his knees into plaintiff’s chest while
plaintiff was on his back on the ground.

19. In doing the acts as alleged above, defendant acted with the intent to make a contact with plaintiff's person.

(False Imprisonment)
20. Plaintiff incorporates paragraphs 1 through 3 and 9 through 16 of this Complaint as if the same were fully stated herein.

            21. On or about September 21, 2004, defendant Gary Collins used physical force and threats of violence, including death threats, to confine plaintiff for a period of time, against his
will and without his consent.  Following this period of detention, defendant released plaintiff without charging him with any crime or taking him before a magistrate.

            22. Immediately prior to the acts of defendant herein alleged, plaintiff had been peacefully working in the study in his residence, located at
161 Valle Vista Drive in


            23. Plaintiff did not steal, nor was he in the process of stealing, any property belonging to defendant or anyone else, nor had he committed any crime against defendant or anyone else.

            24. In imprisoning plaintiff, defendant acted with deliberate malice and for the purpose of harassing plaintiff and causing plaintiff physical and emotional harm.

(Trespass to Real Property)
25. Plaintiff incorporates paragraphs 1 through 3 and 9 through 16 of this Complaint as if the same were fully stated herein.

26. On or about September 21, 2004, defendant Gary Collins intentionally entered a residence located at
161 Valle Vista Drive in

of which plaintiff is the occupant and possessor.

27. Plaintiff did not give defendant permission for the entry and, in fact, defendant entered plaintiff’s residence despite plaintiff’s explicit demands for defendant to leave.

(Trespass to Personal Property)
28. Plaintiff incorporates paragraphs 1 through 3 of this Complaint as if the same were fully stated herein.
29. On or about September 21, 2004, defendant Gary Collins, without plaintiff's consent, threw plaintiff into an antique table owned by plaintiff.
            30. In doing the acts above, defendant proximately caused damage to said table.  Plaintiff is informed and believes that the cost to replace or repair said table is approximately $400.00.
31. The aforementioned conduct of defendant was willful and malicious and was intended to oppress plaintiff. Plaintiff is therefore entitled to an award of punitive damages.

            32. Plaintiff incorporates paragraphs 1 through 3 of this Complaint as if the same were fully stated herein.

            33. At all times herein mentioned, and in particular on or about September 21, 2004, plaintiff was, and still is, the owner and was, and still is, entitled to the possession of the following
personal property, namely: an antique table.

34. Plaintiff is informed and believes that on or about September 21, 2004 and at
161 Valle Vista Drive in

, the property described above had an approximate value of $400.00.

            35. On or about September 21, 2004, defendant Gary Collins, without plaintiff’s consent, intentionally damaged said antique table by throwing plaintiff into it, all to plaintiff’s detriment.

            36. The aforementioned conduct of defendant was willful and malicious and was intended to oppress plaintiff. Plaintiff is therefore entitled to an award of punitive damages.

(Intentional Infliction Emotional Distress)
37. Plaintiff incorporates paragraphs 1 through 36 of this Complaint as if the same were fully stated herein.

38.  Defendant’s actions of physically attacking plaintiff, verbally intimidating plaintiff, damaging plaintiff’s personal property and trespassing on plaintiff’s real property, as alleged in this Complaint, were knowing, intentional, and willful,
and done with a reckless disregard of the probability of causing plaintiff emotional distress.

39.  As a proximate result of defendant’s conduct, as alleged in this complaint, plaintiff suffered severe mental anguish and emotional and physical distress, all to his general damages.

            40. In acting in the manner described in this Complaint, defendant’s conduct was malicious and oppressive, and was carried out in willful and conscious disregard of plaintiff’s rights and safety and subjected plaintiff to cruel and unjust hardship.
            WHEREFORE, plaintiff Pete Bennett demands against defendants, and each of them, as follows:
1. For general damages according to proof;

2. For medical and related expenses according to proof;

3. For lost earnings, past and future, according to proof;

4. For punitive damages;

5. For interest as allowed by law;

6. For costs of suit herein incurred; and

7. For such other and further relief as the court may deem proper.


                                                                                    Peter Bennett
                                                                                    In Pro Per

The Murders

The Loretta Hale Murder

Nov 11 2011

The Bhatia case should be murder investigation, the Hale case was conveniently closed but should be reopened as on or about March/April 2014 an Alamo mom was found on the trails above Alamo with single gunshot wound to the temple which to me sound just
like the SFPD Lester Garnier shooting from back in 1988 and my arson case in 2004 sounds like the bombing of the IRS Agents car in 1988 sent the investigators round file leaving them enough to run over and kill homeless for
life insurance just like the LA Grandma's story.

The Roma Bhatia Case

Nov 12 2011

The Bhatia case should be murder investigation, the Hale case was conveniently closed but should be reopened as on or about March/April 2014 an Alamo mom was found on the trails above Alamo with single gunshot wound to the temple which to me sound just
like the SFPD Lester Garnier shooting from back in 1988 and my arson case in 2004 sounds like the bombing of the IRS Agents car in 1988 sent the investigators round file leaving them enough to run over and kill homeless for
life insurance just like the LA Grandma's story.

The Gary Vinson Collins

Nov 12 2011

The Bhatia case should be murder investigation, the Hale case was conveniently closed but should be reopened as on or about March/April 2014 an Alamo mom was found on the trails above Alamo with single gunshot wound to the temple which to me sound just
like the SFPD Lester Garnier shooting from back in 1988 and my arson case in 2004 sounds like the bombing of the IRS Agents car in 1988 sent the investigators round file leaving them enough to run over and kill homeless for
life insurance just like the LA Grandma's story.

THe Official Meeting

Nov 1 2011


During the Chief Bryden held in the office of Walnut Creek City Manager Ken Nordoff who heard my allegations that I'd been attacked again. This critical meeting set a benchmark linking The Danville Building Inspector Incident
to CNET Arrests, but other incidents were raised that link to least one murder in San Ramon CA.

Within weeks Gary Vinson Collins was dead, along with two Danville Area Moms Roma Bhatia and Loretta Hale of Boy Scout PACK 36 who each died untimely deaths. I personally knew all three victims but Danville Police Officer
Steven Tanabe and former Judge Golub were each members of PACK 36 Danville part of the Meridian Council.

Attack The Attorney

Nov 1 2005

Bennett's Attorney Attacked, Threatened and Beaten

The Danville Building Inspector Incident

One day I got a call from my counsel Sage Sepapi with news that he too had been beaten under nearly identical circumstances of ligation about to be brought against the Town of Danville. Within months my counsel went out of
his way to get out of representation.

When Chris Butler's testimony against Stephen Tanabe oozed about insurance fraud, arson and other events it was clear as day that Police Officers and DA investigators had been lying to me for years and my collection of over
100 police reports were part of larger criminal operation coming within Contra Costa County.

The Racketeering Charges

Hobbs Act

Nov 11 2011

The arrests of officers began nearly seven years later in early 2011 when the California Department of Justice arrested Chris Butler and Commander Norman Wielsch, when thier faces appeared it was clear I'd been setup but the setup extends to the Bar Association,
Contra Costa Superior Court, The Contra Costa District Attorneys offices and further to the municipal pooling authority where claims die with witnesses.

Learn more

The Contra Costa Bar Association

The Council of Judicial Review


  • How the bar is controlled
  • The Rules of Court
  • Witness Murders

The personal experience from over 40 years of cases but one day I discovered witnesses in my cases were gone - then I found the truth - they were dead.

Learn more

Related Federal Cases


  • How the bar is controlled
  • The Rules of Court
  • Witness Murders

Coming Soon

Learn more


11/20/2011 ~ The Untold Murder at Palo Alto High School (map)

Drawing Conclusions to College Bribery Scandal to Venture Capital, Hedge Funds and Private Equity to Dead Programmers, Dead Bankers and Dead Executives.   

The Dubious Phone Call and Time Wasting Project
The folks at TPG will have to answer to my Whistleblower Complaints on the truly odd collection of RFPs emanating from companies connected to Richard Blum, William McGlashan, CBRE, Regency Centers, Trammel Crow, Lennar, Catellus.

My story is about witness murders, private equity, mergers and acquisitions linked back to the Matter of Bennett v. Southern Pacific lost in 1989.  It was a winnable case as long the witnesses testified.  


Ravi Mhatre Ravi Mhatre

Connecting Success Factors to Bennett

The Dubious Phone Call and Time Wasting Project
The folks at TPG will have to answer to my Whistleblower Complaints on the truly odd collection of RFPs emanating from companies connected to Richard Blum, William McGlashan, CBRE, Regency Centers, Trammel Crow, Lennar, Catellus.

My story is about witness murders, private equity, mergers and acquisitions linked back to the Matter of Bennett v. Southern Pacific lost in 1989.  It was a winnable case as long the witnesses testified.  
March 27, 2019 9:21 PM ET

Capital Markets

Company Overview of Lightspeed Venture Partners

Executive Profile

Ravi Mhatre

Founding Partner & MD, Lightspeed Venture Partners
AgeTotal Calculated CompensationThis person is connected to 14 Board Members in 14 organization across 18 different industries.

See Board Relationships


Mr. Ravi Mhatre is the Co-Owner of Mhatre Investments LP. Mr. Mhatre serves as the Founding Partner and Managing Director at Lightspeed Venture Partners. Mr. Mhatre focuses primarily on software infrastructure, enterprise IT, mobility, internet, cloud-based services and applications investments. Mr. Mhatre serves as Managing Director of Lightspeed Venture Partners since August 1999. He serves on the board of Samast Technologies Pvt Ltd. He was employed at Lightspeed-Gemini Internet Lab. He was employed at Weiss, Peck & Greer Venture Partners, joining in 1999. Prior thereto, he served as an Investment Professional of Bessemer Venture Partners. Prior to entering the venture capital industry, he served as a Product Manager at Silicon Graphics, where he later directed the engineering workstation market development efforts. Previously, he served in the technology investment banking group at Lehman Brothers Inc. He also served as an Executive Officer of Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. and Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation. He also worked in management consulting at Booz Allen. He served as an Executive Officer of Graphics Properties Holdings, Inc. He began his career as a Software Engineer at BDIS. He serves as Trustee of Mhatre Investments LP. He has been a Director of Nutanix, Inc. since July 2010 and has been its Lead Independent Director since August 2015. He serves as a Director of CloudPassage, Inc. He has been a Director of Exabeam, Inc. since February 07, 2017. Mr. Mhatre has been a Director of AppDynamics, Inc. since April 2008, MuleSource, Inc. since May 2007. He serves as Director of Clever Inc. He serves as Director at Omni Science Technology, Inc., KIXEYE Inc. He serves as a Director at WalmartLabs, Inc. and Virsa Systems, Inc. He served as Director of MuleSoft, Inc. since May 2007 until May 2, 2018. He served as a Director of OpTier, Inc., ThoughtSpot, Inc., EdgeSpring, Inc., SailPoint Technologies, Inc. and Kosmix Corporation. He served as a Director of Skybox Security, Inc., and Verizon Remote IP Application Management. He served as Director of Heighten Software, Inc. He served as a Director of Totality Corporation and Waveset Technologies, Inc. He served as a Director of TheFind, Inc. since February 16, 2005. He serves as a Member of Advisory Board at Blue Beacon Capital LLC. He serves as an Observer of NuMedii, Inc. He has also served as a Board Member or Board Observer for numerous successful venture-backed companies including net.Genesis (NTGX), Verio (VRIO), Riverbed (RVBD), Lifeminders (LFMN), TutorVista (acquired by Pearson), Rapsphere (acquired by Appsense), Masergy (acquired by Abry) and Webspective (acquired by Inktomi), and has been recognized on the Forbes Midas List of top venture capital investors. He has also served as a Member of the Board of Directors of The Indus Entrepreneurs Group (TiE) in Silicon Valley and as a VC Advisory Board Member to DeVenCI. He has been recognized as a Top 100 dealmaker on Forbes' Annual VC Midas List and has served as a Judge for the prestigious Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Competition. He has 17 years of venture capital experience and six years of operating experience. Mr. Mhatre earned M.B.A. from Stanford Graduate School of Business from 1991 to 1993. He earned B.S. in Electrical Engineering and a B.A. in Economics from Stanford University from 1985 to 1989.

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BA1985 - 1989
Stanford University
BS1985 - 1989
Stanford University
MBA1991 - 1993
Stanford Graduate School of Business

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