Connecting Success Factors to Bennett
The Dubious Phone Call and Time-Wasting Project
The folks at TPG will have to answer to my Whistleblower Complaints on the truly odd collection of RFPs emanating from companies connected to Richard Blum, William McGlashan, CBRE, Regency Centers, Trammel Crow, Lennar, Catellus.My story is about witness murders, private equity, mergers and acquisitions linked back to the Matter of Bennett v. Southern Pacific lost in 1989. It was a winnable case as long the witnesses testified.
Then the goodfellows at the AFL-CIO a division Contra Costa Politics
The PG&E Gas Can Man
Quick Facts

Hard Facts
PG&E Gas Can Man
In 2010, persons in my offices I know suspect are behind many arson fires in Contra Costa County plus Bay Area. Right around the San Bruno Explosion two individuals were in my offices.Fluid Dynamics and the San Bruno Explosion
Suspect A Retired SFPD Lt David Oberhoffer - embroiled in Crime Lab Scandal, first officer on scene in the San Francisco
Suspect B: PG&E High Performance Engineer
Suspect C:Deep embed with ties to Tanabe, Wielsch and Judge Golub
Suspect D:Former General Counsel for PG&E CPUC and Regulartory Affairs
Suspect E:Attorney Lisa Trapani former associate of Atty. Dick Grossman, retired Walnut Creek PD, Former Bomb Squad Leader, tampered with known Federal Witness, strong connections to the
The Golub Conspiracy
Suspect D:Contra Costa County Deputy Vince Jimenez who placed Armando Ibarra in Bennett's cell with the premeditated intent to harm or kill, even stronger connection to the
CNET Consiracy
Suspect E: Walnut Creek Officer Vessor who arrested Bennett at Safeway parking lot at 600 S. Broadway Walnut Creek CA, site of many Bennett incidents, work location of Suicide Victim Jamie Sheets then embroiled in the Bacteria
case with Doc's Pharmacy Walnut Creek,
Walnut Creek Explosion Nov. 2004 Explosion

Five Dead Workers, three to five dead witnessesFive Dead Workers, three to five dead witnesses
DA Investigator found me at Burger King asking probing questions, later recognized him in this picture. One of many revelations.
The Burger King questioning revealed yet another interested party. Another person with a vested interest with facts about the Nov. 2004 Explosion that killed five.
He has a young son who was five on Christmas Eve 2013 at the Walnut Creek Burger King. One thing they never noticed is the FBI agents trolling near me.
Solano County Board Member

Day, Linda Siefert of Solano County Board of Supervisors decided to strut her stuff at the Walnut Creek Starbucks,
Walnut Creek Explosion 2004

Workers: Five Dead Workers
Witnesses Group #1: Alicia Driscoll / Jineva - June 2005 Murder Suicide
Witnesses Group #2: Ellen Sabudaquria - First person witness -never deposed, witnessed two men on fire running to Las Lomas High School
Witnesses Group #3: LLHS Students near field and pool area
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