Investor Fraud

The Investor Dragons
I've been researching for three years as my story is Hydra the Seven Headed Dragon. The heads get lopped off and there is another tangent of this messy story.
Federal Level Changes
Investor Fraud Summit Arms Consumers with Information to Protect Retirement Funds and Life Savings
Bar K Investors
Benny Chetcuti Jr.
My ex lived next door to Chetcuti for ten years and that means she knew Butler we were married. It also means she's well aware of that they tried to kill me via arson, beating and accidents. One mistake was the 2005 accident nearly killed her own sons.
Link to PG&E, CNET Cops and Walnut Creek
The Torres Clan
The woman with the Tattoo's walked right past me about 18 months ago. The Tat's were a dead giveaway - through the Soccer Moms Confidential segment I was able to link to Butler. He was in my house in 2004 days after the assault with Collins, he's dead was killed here in 2011.
Then then link to Butler and my accidents became evident as the litigation unfolded. A court battle is going on between the county and several lawsuits. This is another point where my story could emerge.
For months I searched images when via several pictures of the Walnut Creek Explosions and tiring forensic accounting, records searches which ended up being tied my failed cabinet shop in Summer 2004 linked the arson cases to the cops and the agencies investigative failures.